

Woman's body and reproductive function condition assessment based on 12 antibodies.


Invisible sexually transmitted diseases

Disease is not necessarily the condition when a patient is beside one's self with pain, becomes unconscious or breaks out in a rash. Most sexually transmitted diseases, especially in women, are asymptomatic, and the majority of women don't even know they are ill. With certainty they can be diagnosed with one of about 20 sexually transmitted diseases, such as clamidiosis, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, human papilloma virus, etc. Nevertheless one is left with the question, “where have these “new” infections come from?” They have not appeared suddenly. The point is that they appear due to immunity reduction and general weakening of a human body. If before they could not cause a disease, nowadays  they literally kill the human beings.

Another issue is added to this problem. A considerable amount of men and women asking medical advice on external and internal genitalia discomfort are positive that itching, irritation, reddening, patches within the area, as well as discharge and smell, is just normal and not a reason for worry. Actually, this is incorrect, there is a serious reason to start worrying. These diseases are very dangerous because they are transmitted to children as intrauterine infection, through breast milk and during blood transfusion. Infection getting into baby's (or fetus') body and circulating in blood, lymph and other biological liquids can damage different baby's organs and the body as a whole. The baby is born weak, catches every single illness and parents are puzzled; their child is ailing while they are healthy.

ELI–P-Complex enables the detection of hidden small pelvis inflammatory processes as well as immunity reduction (immunosuppression) that leads to activation of aforementioned infections which can cause pregnancy abnormalities, male and female infertility and result in early fetal death after IVF. By means of ELI–P-Complex we can also advise on full recovery when taking more medicines does not make any sense.


The new biotechnological ELI–P-Complex methodology enables the assessment of the condition of your body and gives advice if you are ready for pregnancy or if it is better to wait for a while and to get a relevant treatment for detected abnormalities. It also enables one to assess the progress of pregnancy.

Case report

Patient V., 29 years old, 11 weeks pregnancy. State of health was satisfactory, no complaints. Blood coagulation test detected signs of hypercoagulation. General blood test results: leukopenia (4000), ESR – 21. Studies by means of ELI-P-complex detected typical signs of antiphospholipid syndrome with general polyclonal immunosuppression. In spite of reiterated warnings of  pregnancy termination threat, the woman due to feeling good and acceptable results of standard tests rejected the proposed antiphospholipid syndrom treatment. Miscarriage happened on the 13th week of pregnancy.

If you have chronic diseases the chance is very high that your child inherits problems with the same organs that were unhealthy in you during your pregnancy. This phenomenon is called immune imprinting.  In order to prevent the newborn from contracting mother's diseases due to the excess ingress of mother's autoantibodies it is necessary to normalise mother's immune status before planned pregnancy. A woman has her ELI–P-Complex test done not long before the planned pregnancy and if any abnormality is detected the appropriate treatment is provided. And only after the that does the woman plan pregnancy. In such a case there is virtually no risk for the child to develop diseases be reason of mother's immune system disorders. The unique ELI–P-Complex methodology enables 6 – 8 X decrease in the creation of incurably ill disabled children.

Who is advised to have ELI-P-complex done?

ELI–P-Complex can be indicated for all women planning pregnancy, but it is highly indicated for women who previously had miscarriages, disturbances of pregnancy course (gestosis, toxicosis, etc.), threats of pregnancy termination, and also for women suffering of  infertility of ambiguous genesis. 

How often is it advised to have ELI-P-complex done?

It is recommended to have the test done on women preparing themselves for pregnancy. If any abnormalities are detected a relevant therapeutic and prophylactic treatment is carried out, after that another ELI–P-Complex is to be done to ensure effectiveness and sufficiency of the treatment provided. One more monitoring ELI–P-Complex study is indicated during the 1st – 2nd term of pregnancy (8 – 15 weeks). This time it is to ensure that embryo and fetus developing conditions are favourable. In case of any detected abnormalities therapeutic and prophylactic measures will be carried out in order to preserve pregnancy.


It is considered that between 10% - 20% of all couples face the problem of infertility. A significant proportion of these are faced with the so-called «infertility of ambiguous genesis». Non-genetic disorders are the cause of the overwhelming majority of infertility cases... the condition of the body of the pregnant woman leading to a disorder of pregnancy and to a violation of the fetus development.
One of the methods that resolves the infertility problem is IVF (in vitro fertilization). However, quite often even the numerous attempts at expensive IVF do not lead to positive results due to the disorders that are not identified in a woman's body. Usually, there is a large number of these  disorders and identifying them quickly and clearly is very problematical and requires a lot of time and money.
The unique biotechnological ELI–P-Complex method we are introducing enables one to understand what the cause of infertility is and to provide the diagnostic research with the right direction without spending money on other blindly executed studies.

Blood sampling for conducting ELI-tests is not permissible in the following cases:
  1. Acute infectious inflammatory diseases (viral or bacterial) during the last 3 weeks
  2. Acute condition of chronic infectious diseases during the last 3 weeks
  3. Any prophylactic vaccination during the last 8 weeks
  4. Antibacterial medication during the last 3 week

Book your ELI-P-Complex testing