First Autism Laboratory Assessment and Diagnostic Service
Autism detection blood tests are advised to children with behavioural abnormalities when Autistic Spectrum Disorders are suspected. These tests are meant to confirm or decline autism as diagnosis. The group includes ELI-NEURO-TEST, ELI-VISCERO-24 and CYTOTEST.
The type 2 tests are for children with confirmed autism and are used to select and optimise activities aimed at autism correction and treatment. This group includes: CYTOTEST, Hair Spectral Analysis, Plasma amino acids, Urine organic acids.
The laboratory diagnostics of autism is difficult up to date. Good results were shown only by Eli-Neuro-Test that reflects some peculiar changes in relative serum content (profiles) some of neurotropic auto-Abs that are typical for children with autism. Based on the data and experience of other autism clinics we use the ELI-Neuro-Test as the primary laboratory blood test for early diagnosis of autism (see more here).
ELI-Viscero-24 Test | ![]() |
ASD is not only a neurological disorder, but a condition of pathology that affects a wide range of organs: the digestive system (stomach, intestine, colon, pancreas), the endocrine system (thyroid, adrenals) and probably some other organs. ELI-Viscero-24 Test enables assessing the condition of all human body organs: nervous system, heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, digestive tract, thyroid, pancreas, adrenal and prostate glands, vascular system, blood platelet and immune system (see more here)
CYTOTEST | ![]() |
Gastrointestinal system disorders are observed in the majority of autistic children. Some proteins (like gluten, casein, etc.) are not broken down completely in such children; as a result under-digested residues are generated and absorbed into the bloodstream in the form of endorphins, the substances that are similar to narcotics. Endorphins penetration into the bloodstream causes strange behaviour, bad dimensional orientation and inadequate response to the outside world signals in autistic children; actually, they are permanently exposed to narcotic substances. Excess of endorphins in the body acts similar to opiates and depresses child’s brain activity, that leads to deterioration of learning ability, social adaptation, motor and sensory functions.
However, the issue goes beyond glutenin and casein. Some other foods (soya, maize, some vegetables, chocolate, etc.) are also not broken down completely. These foods don’t generate endorphins but they cause inflammation of stomach and bowel wall. Their mucous membrane becomes ulcerated, hypertrophic, the absorption becomes difficult and the digestion differs a lot from that in the healthy. As a result, autistic children suffer from chronic constipation, diarrhea and other bowel disorders. Food intolerance can as well cause other systems dysfunction.
Particularly should be noted that the food intolerance not necessarily has visible clinical symptoms like constipation or diarrhea. That is why all autistic children are highly advised to have food intolerance test done. The “harmful” foods are to be eliminated from their diet. Only strict adherence to their individual diet will improve the condition of an autistic child.
The CYTOTEST is the most reliable diagnostic method of food intolerance. This unique blood test can detect a food intolerance for 123 aliments in total. Autistic children with food intolerances even on the next day after the elimination of the harmful food product are changing their behavior. They become calmer, they cry and scream less and they sleep better. For more information about the CYTOTEST see here.
It is the study that allows to diagnose disorders of mineral metabolism, reveal the relation of necessary and toxic microelements in the human body, and most importantly, to identify the underlying causes of diseases including autism.
In some children, autism is associated with heavy metals salts (e. g. mercury), as well as other chemical elements, accumulating in their bodies. As a result poisoning with these substances occurs. Hair Spectral Analysis enables to detect excessive accumulation of different substances in autistic children’s bodies and to prescribe treatment for excretion these out of the body. Such approach appears very effective for a number of children.
Plasma amino acids and Urine organic acids | ![]() |
Amino acids analysis is the main test for assessing the degree of assimilation of dietary proteins as well as metabolic imbalances underlying many chronic disorders (including autism).
Autism Diagnosis Screen
Confidence Autism Diagnosis Screen
Autism Correction Screen
Hair Spectral Analysis Plasma amino acids Urine organic acids
Reminder for Parents:
Only a comprehensive lab investigation could confirm or reject with a high probability the diagnosis of autism in children aged 1-3 years.
Early confirmation of autism as soon as possible allows you to start specific treatment for your child.
The sooner you begin the treatment, the better the results will be.