Assessment of child's condition before vaccination. Vaccination without complications is possible!
What is ELI-Vaccino-Test?
It is a screening test or, in other words, it is a test for prompt assessment of a patient undergoing vaccination, surgical intervention or immune correction therapy.
Why do we need ELI-Vaccino-Test?
We need it to find out if your child can undergo vaccination right now, or if it is necessary to wait for a while, or an extra paediatric examination is recommended, as abnormalities are detected in the child. The same applies to the individuals undergoing surgical intervention or immune correction treatment.
Why is it so important to assess child's immune system state before vaccination?
Because it enables reducing and minimising the risk of developing postvaccinal complications.
How will your child benefit from being assessed by means of ELI-Vaccino-Test before vaccination?
This method will enable your child avoiding:
- Undesirable side reactions (high temperature, allergic reactions, headaches etc.);
- Serious health abnormalities (different chronic diseases developing after vaccination);
- Disability (postvaccinal development of disablingdiseases, such asepilepsy, encephalopathy, demyelinating diseases, type 1 diabetes mellitus, malignant limfoproliferative diseases, autism etc.);
- Postvaccinal death;
- Lack of vaccination effect if your child's immunity is reduced;
How can ELI-Vaccino-Test as distinct from other methods of diagnostics help you and your doctor?
This method is used in our innovative program "Vaccination without complications is possible!''
Nearly all over the world, routine vaccination is carried out blindly, without due consideration for individual state of immune system, but taking into account scheduled dates only.
Implementing the unique ELI-Vaccino-Test method which has no analogues enables:
- Assessing individual immune reactivity;
- Reducing the risk of postvaccinal complications development, in individuals belonging to risk groups in particular;
- Increasing efficiency of vaccination in children with reduced activity of immune system.
You can get more specified information about ELI-Vaccino-Test here