Preclinical diagnostics
A man and an illness
Today even in the most developed countries hundreds of thousands of people suddenly die of such dangerous acute illnesses as myocardialinfarction, stroke, cancer, acuteaorticdissection and some others. And it mainly happens in the situations of general well-being when people don't know that they are ill and that their life is in danger. An illness turns up and brings total incapacity for work, disability, or even death.
Chronic diseases is another group. They develop gradually, patients receive treatment during long years, take medicines, have operations. But fight such an illness completely is already impossible, it makes steady progress and finally also results in disability and premature death. Continuous treatment, condition exasperations, planned and emergency hospitalizations become an integral part of such patients lives. Instead of living and enjoying life these people spend huge means and energy on overcoming their disease.
Really, when does a disease start? And why everything was all right yesterday but today a man is in hospital in critical state and nobody can tell if one survive?
As a matter of fact, pathological changes in a human body starts immediately after the birth and intensify (aggravate) in the process of living. How prompt these pathological changes will develop basically depends on two causes: a man's predisposition to one or another disease (in other words, on a human body peculiarities) and the environment of a man.
![Диаграмма развития болезни Eng](/thumb/2/-kxB-0JBCli7stOVuO0iEA/r/d/eng.jpg.jpg)
Pathological changes developing in one or another organ don't demonstrate themselves clinically at once, and a man for quite a while has no symptoms and feels all-right. Why is it so? Because more than a half of an organ has to be damaged for a disease to develop with all the symptoms. For example, diabetes mellitus comes into existence when more than 75% of pancreas gland cells producing insulin are damaged. Or, stenocardia (angina pectoris) to come to existence needs ¾ of heart vessel to be blocked by atherosclerosis plaque.
Unfortunately, modern medicine is mainly able to detect diseases when such significant and irreversible changes has happened to organs, when a man having one's disease developed with all the symptoms refer to a doctor. And then the treatment starts: long-lasting and exhausting, expensive and sometimes bringing just temporary relief. But the worst is that the treatment might appear totally ineffective, and a man will lose one's most precious possession, one's life.
But what if theonset of a disease is diagnosed at an early, preclinical stage, when there are no symptoms and a man feels well? It turns out that, in this case, it is possible to prevent or completely cure many diseases by simple means. What are these means? They are a change of lifestyle and work-schedule, correction of nutrition, PE, physiotherapy, mild and short-term medication and finally on-time surgical treatment leading to full recovery. For example, modern medicine cannot cure a cancer patient whose disease was diagnosed at the third or fourth stage of his cancer. But if the cancer is detected at the first stage, then full recovery may occur after surgery.
"IMMUNCULUS" technology is the most recent technology for preclinical disease detection.
No one of the existing medical centres in the world is capable of detecting diseases at early stages.Visible changes in blood tests is the result of a long lasting pathological process within a body.For example, blood sugar level will increase only when 75% of producing insulin pancreas cells of Islets of Langerhans have died. So, by the time when the modern medicine is able to detect the first disease markers in blood, irreversible changes have already taken place in a patients body and from that very moment the patient starts fighting the incurable and insidious disease called diabetes mellitus. The result is obvious: it is unavoidable disability.There is no need to be a medical practitioner to realise all the impotence of modern medicine. And our aspiration for implementing the pre-clinical disease diagnostics into medical practice becomes perspicuous, as by means of pre-clinical disease diagnostics it could be possible to see malfunction of pancreas far before (months and years) irreversible changes appeared, to take due actions and to prevent diabetes.Exactly that is preclinical disease detection and disease prevention.
Why is preclinical disease detection so important? Because the earlier a disease is detected, the more likely that it can be cured or even prevented!!!
Early preclinical disease detection is now available thanks to "IMMUNCULUS" technology that is totality of diagnostic methods based on assessment of serum content of autoantibodies set, changes in which is a guide to developing or existing pathology in one or another organ of human body.
Diagnostics is conducted by means of ELI-tests (short for ELISA - Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) group enzyme immunoassay methods .
Theoretical basis of "IMMUNCULUS" technology is the most recent understanding of immune system as a primary regulator of homeostasis, i.e. internal environment of a human body. It is immune system that reflects peculiarities of human body organs and systems state, and this state can be objectively assessed by the amount of autoantibodies produced by immune system to “clean up” organs of dead cells.
Healthy humans level of autoantibodies to same organs anigens is roughly the same, its decreasing or increasing indicates an ailment. Lasting (more than 3 weeks) increase of autoantibodies serum content to one or more antigens of one or another organ indicates pathology development. With clinical signs appearing months and sometimes years later due to phenomenal robustness of human body.