Food intolerance
What is a food Intolerance?
- Food intolerance (or more correctly "nutritional Intolerance") is a chronic reaction of the organism to oftenly consumed aliments (such as wheat, milk, tomato, oil, meat, coffee etc)
- The symptoms do not appear immediately after food taking, as in allergies. They may appear after 2-3 days or more. Since the foods are used often, reaction can become continuous
- Reactions could appear in a "masked" form; it means that if a person consumes daily a food that he cannot tolerate, he may never suspect the cause of his troubles, even chronic
- Symptoms and alterations can be caused at the expense of any organ or system, character and behavior functions included
- Symptoms are not proportional to the quantity of food. Even small quantities of food can cause intolerance
Pathologies linked to food intolerance
Bibliography is full of pathologies that are linked to food intolerance and improvement is visually clear upon restriction of the aliments that the organism cannot tolerate.
Here are the most common of them:
- Gastroenterological problems (meteorism, dyspepsia, duodenal ulcers, ulcerous colitis, diarrhea, Chron's disease, irritable bowel syndrome, gastritis)
- Skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, acne, dermatitis)
- Metabolic disorders (diabetes, high cholesterol, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea)
- Allergic situations (allergic rhinitis, bronchitis, asthma)
- Headaches (migraine, neuralgia)
- Neurovegetative crisis, mental illness, epilepsy, some forms of schizophrenia
- Arthritis, arthrosis, myalgias
- Hypertension, cardiac angina, tachycardia, spasm of the lower limbs
- Renal insufficency, chronic cystitis, enuresis, vaginal discharge; sterility
- Hypo and hyperthyroidism
- Chronic fatigue (the illness of our era), changeable mood, panic crisis, intense stress
Simply said, food intolerance is a “bomb in our immune system”, a continuous poisoning of our organism.
A reliable test has been developed for the diagnosis of food intolerance. This diagnostic test is called CYTOTEST that you can have done in our DBD CENTRE. More information about the test you can get here.